
Journal Papers

  1. Y. E. Sahin and N. Ozay, "From Drinking Philosophers to Wandering Robots", submitted for journal publication, December 2019. [code]
  2. Y. E. Sahin, P. Nilsson, and N. Ozay, “Multirobot Coordination with Counting Temporal Logics”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics (early access) [code]
  3. G. Chou*, Y. E. Sahin*, L. Yang*, K. J. Rutledge, P. Nilsson, and N. Ozay, “Using control synthesis to generate corner cases: A case study on autonomous driving”, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (ESWEEK-TCAD special issue), 37(11): 2906-2917, November 2018. *Equal contribution. [code]

Conference Papers

  1. Y. E. Sahin, Rien Quirynen, Stefano Di Cairano, "Autonomous Vehicle Decision Making and Monitoring based on Signal Temporal Logic and Mixed-Integer Programming", to appear at The 2020 American Control Conference, Denver, CO, July 2020.
  2. Y. E. Sahin*, Z. Liu*, K. J. Rutledge*, D. Panagou, S. Z. Yong, N. Ozay, “Intention-Aware Supervisory Control with Driving Safety Applications”, Proc. IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), Hong Kong, China, August 2019. *Equal contribution.
  3. Y. E. Sahin, N. Ozay, and S. Tripakis, “Multi-Agent Coordination Subject to Counting Constraints: A Hierarchical Approach”, Proc. Int. Symp. on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS), Boulder, CO, October 2018. [code]
  4. Y. E. Sahin, P. Nilsson, and N. Ozay, “Synchronous and Asynchronous Multi-agent Coordination with cLTL+ Constraints”, Proc. 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Melbourne, Australia, December 2017. [code]
  5. Y. E. Sahin, P. Nilsson, and N. Ozay, “Provably-correct coordination of large collections of agents with counting temporal logic constraints”, 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), Pittsburgh, April 2017. [code]
  6. Y. E. Sahin and N. Ozay, “SAT-based Distributed Reactive Control Protocol Synthesis for Boolean Networks”, Proc. Multi-conference on Systems and Control (MSC), Buenos Aires, September 2016.